Modernize sales productivity With Dynamics 365Dynamics 365

Modernize sales productivity With Dynamics 365

With all the distraction sales team face, closing on important sales deals can be a challenge! Watch how #MSDyn365 Sales…

Boost productivity and increase revenue With Dynamics 365Dynamics 365

Boost productivity and increase revenue With Dynamics 365

55% of sales reps think their company’s sales tools are an obstacle instead of a facilitator. That’s because companies often…

Staying productive while working remotely with Microsoft TeamsMicrosoft Teams

Staying productive while working remotely with Microsoft Teams

The COVID-19 outbreak has quickly changed the way the world goes to work. Everyone is adjusting to meetings, chatting, and…

Remote working checklistBackup & Disaster Recovery

Remote working checklist

More and more people are working from home because of the COVID-19 crisis. Check out this infographic for tips on…

Learn how to modernize your apps and data on AzureMicrosoft Azure

Learn how to modernize your apps and data on Azure

Considering the cloud? We know how important it is for your business-critical apps to be quickly up and running. Same…

A day in the life of the remote workerModern Workplace

A day in the life of the remote worker

What does a day in your life look like when you work remotely? As more workers are staying home to…

Turn relationships into revenueModern Workplace

Turn relationships into revenue

How well do you really know your customers? More importantly, how well do your customers think you know them? 77%…

Machine Learning Is Helping To Stop Security Breaches With Threat AnalyticsApp modernization

Machine Learning Is Helping To Stop Security Breaches With Threat Analytics

Machine learning is enabling threat analytics to deliver greater precision regarding the risk context of privileged users’ behavior, creating notifications…

Stay Connected with TeamsMicrosoft Teams

Stay Connected with Teams

As more and more employees are working at home, it’s crucial to help them feel connected. With Microsoft Teams, your…

Technology’s Impact on Employee Experience: Balancing Overload Versus EnablementModern Workplace

Technology’s Impact on Employee Experience: Balancing Overload Versus Enablement

How does technology enhance an employee’s experience? How does it hinder it? You can lead the way in providing a…