Follow these 8 CRM implementation best practicesBlog

Follow these 8 CRM implementation best practices

With so many options for #CRM, how do you choose the solution that’s right for your business? Read this article…

Microsoft Threat Protection stops attack sprawl and auto-heals enterprise assets with built-in intelligence and automationBlog

Microsoft Threat Protection stops attack sprawl and auto-heals enterprise assets with built-in intelligence and automation

@Microsoft #ThreatProtection stops attack sprawl and auto heals enterprise assets with built-in intelligence and automation. MTP provides the built in…

How-to Videos for Windows Virtual DesktopBlog

How-to Videos for Windows Virtual Desktop

Microsoft has a variety of tools to help you maximize your virtual experience. Ready to start increasing your productivity and…

Lululemon transforms their data platform with Power BIBlog

Lululemon transforms their data platform with Power BI

Watch this video to learn how @Lululemon used @Microsoft Power BI to transform reporting needs and grow their business to…

8 best practices for a successful CRM implementationBlog

8 best practices for a successful CRM implementation

View the infographic to discover 8 best practices you can follow to help ensure a successful #CRM implementation. Then contact…

SunCulture: Helping to weather the dry seasonsBlog

SunCulture: Helping to weather the dry seasons

In some places of the world where water is not easily accessible, #DigitalTransformation is being leveraged to ensure farmers can…

City of Houston: Enabling a mobile workforceBlog

City of Houston: Enabling a mobile workforce

Large cities are hubs for innovation, cultural diversity, and, of course, people. In other words, there’s a lot going on…

Why Trust Windows Virtual Desktop?Blog

Why Trust Windows Virtual Desktop?

Microsoft employs more than 3,500 security experts completely dedicated to your data security and privacy. Work confidently and know your…

Customer Story of RLH Corporation, Dynamics 365, and TeamsBlog

Customer Story of RLH Corporation, Dynamics 365, and Teams

How is #RedLionHotels driving higher guest satisfaction? By maximizing value with the agile methodology of @Microsoft #Dynamics365 and #Teams. Check…

Greater SecurityBlog

Greater Security

Raise the bar on your security with the power of @Microsoft security solutions, and lower your costs at the same…