Learn how to enable actionable insights and take proactive action with Dynamics 365 | BRK2257Blog

Learn how to enable actionable insights and take proactive action with Dynamics 365 | BRK2257

Personalized service is built on a foundation on empowering your team and unifying technology. Watch this video to learn how…

Education reimaginedBlog

Education reimagined

Even prior to our global pandemic, there was a call for educational transformation. NOW is the time to reflect on…

Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformationBlog

Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

There are many approaches to digitally transforming public services, but there are 4 main characteristics that make up a reputable…

City of Houston: transportation transformationBlog

City of Houston: transportation transformation

As their populations increase, local governments must leverage digital transformation to increase the efficiency of their operations and implement technologies…

Azure Migrate: The hub for cloud migrationBlog

Azure Migrate: The hub for cloud migration

Reduce complexity and choose tools to fit your needs when you work with @MicrosoftAzure Migrate. Learn how #Microsoft can help…

Protect your e-commerce business with Fraud ProtectionBlog

Protect your e-commerce business with Fraud Protection

While omnichannel retail is growing like never before, fraudulent transactions accounted for $250 billion in costs last year. #Microsoft Dynamics…

Remote learning tips playlistBlog

Remote learning tips playlist

With remote and hybrid learning the new reality for this school year, educators are seeking ways they can connect students…

Enable digital, efficient, and trust-building services. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft for Government.Blog

Enable digital, efficient, and trust-building services. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft for Government.

#DigitalTransformation has enabled a renaissance within the #PublicSector, one that drives efficient, accessible services and is building trust between people…

Five ways SMBs can benefit from using Microsoft Azure to move to the cloudBlog

Five ways SMBs can benefit from using Microsoft Azure to move to the cloud

According to Gartner, there are 3 million current Windows 2008 licenses that need to be migrated but Azure partners see…

Mazik Global innovates while navigating healthcare compliance best practicesBlog

Mazik Global innovates while navigating healthcare compliance best practices

Find out how one healthcare industry solution provider leverages Microsoft Dynamics 365 and PowerApps to develop applications for COVID-19. Watch…